
OPP busts its own lady dick and impounds its own car

Intelligence officer gets busted by her colleague, loses licence and her OPP-issued car for 7 days By Frank Touby — Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Intelligence Officer Heidi Fischer is probably having her brain-waves tested. Or at least pounding her head ...

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Subway policing may be more feel good than do good

Part of a 4-part report of the Toronto Police Accountability Bulletin No. 45. By John Sewell – Toronto Police Accountability Bulletin No. 45. This Bulletin is published by the Toronto Police Accountability Coalition, a group of individuals and organizations in ...

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Island airport bird threat

By Tony Thornton – After reading the Letters to the Editor in the Feb 2009 issue, I am compelled to respond to the twisting of information to suit the NIMBYs (Not In My Back Yard) that oppose the Toronto Island ...

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Toronto turns 175 next month

From March 6 – 8, 2009, City Hall will open its doors to the public and host a variety of events to commemorate this milestone By Kevin Sack – Toronto will celebrate its 175th anniversary in 2009. The City of ...

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Jury duty? Just shoot me

If this system is so darned important, jurors should be compensated properly and be shown other forms of appreciation. By James Dalziel – Maybe it sounds naïve, but I used to think being called up for jury duty was kind ...

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Tory thugs stack Island Airpork

Airline of the elites avoids the cattle-call hassles of traveling through Pearson By Frank Touby – Brutish John Baird, Stephen Harper’s transportation minister, has blessed a tobacco industry mouthpiece with a saddle on Toronto taxpayers’ backs as part of the ...

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VIEWPOINT: Toronto bans bottled water but not bottled pop

Whatever happened to the idea of giving citizens healthy choices in beverages? Toronto, in all its short-sighted wisdom, has now granted the soda companies a virtual monopoly on beverages sold at the local arenas. With no bottled water available, what ...

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Bell hell: Unsupportable support

You might more accurately think of it as Bell Philippines, or Bell India, because that’s where the jobs Canadians should be doing have been exported. And if they were doing a great job—better than Canadians could do—it might be understandable. ...

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We are upbeat about our personal financial prospects

While Canadians overwhelmingly feel the economy is in deep crisis, on average many feel unaffected to date, and in fact expect their personal financial situation to be maintained or even improved in 2009. But don’t for a minute think that ...

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Eggleton: Conservative approach worsened Great Depression

Men put to work for measly 20 cents a day by tight-wad Tories didn’t help the economy By Art Eggleton – As the economic crisis deepens, and many Canadians are worried about their jobs, retirement and standard of living, it ...

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