An author invites business owners from across Canada to share stories for upcoming book.
Are you a successful contractor who wants to share your expertise with others? Laura Patton, author of the upcoming book Profit Ability: Secrets to Success for Construction Trades, wants to hear from you!
For her upcoming book, Laura is looking for success stories from every province and territory. Laura explains, “Many business owners have great sales, but struggle to be profitable. I call it The Puzzle Problem and there are 16 key pieces needed for success. I find that struggling contractors are missing key pieces and successful ones seem to have them figured out.”
Laura brings these 16 key pieces together with a one-day business basics workshop she created for construction trades called The Profitability Programme. One contractor at a recent workshop in Alberta stated, “If I had taken this workshop two years ago, I think I could’ve saved my last business!” Too many businesses are failing unnecessarily.
The idea for this book came from workshops, where Laura observed how quickly fellow contractors, even competing ones, jumped in with advice or problem-solved as a group when someone asked a question or expressed frustration. Laura says, “This business has unique challenges and business owners are often isolated. There is so much to learn from shared experiences.”
Please submit stories by July 31, 2018. Include your name, company name, location (city/town and province), trade, how long you’ve been in business and a brief summary of your success. Contractors selected for more detailed interviews will be contacted by phone or email.
Submissions can be made:
Phone: 1.888.385.8444 (leave a message)
Mail: Nickels and Dimes – PO Box 38055 – East St Paul MB R2E 1H3
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— Laura Patton is the owner of Nickels and Dimes Money Mentoring and creator of The Profitability Programme, a one-day business basics workshop for construction trades. Laura spent 20 years in the electrical industry, has over 15 years of accounting experience and is an award-winning financial planner, providing her with unique expertise to help contractors be their most profitable.
Laura’s focus on separating profit from sales began when she started working for her Dad in Winnipeg over 25 years ago. He taught her that the best job security came from making enough daily profit to cover her cost to the company. When she later asked if she could keep the additional profits, too, Laura got a valuable lesson on overhead! This focus continued as a project manager in Calgary, where a percentage of her pay was based on profit that remained after a project was finished.
Over the years Laura has seen countless contractors go out of business. Laura observed that, although they often had great sales, they lacked a basic understanding of how to operate a profitable, sustainable business. From this, The Profitability Programme was born.
Laura, her husband Dave, and their four young kids live in East St Paul, Manitoba, a small town just north of Winnipeg. Laura was recently named Treasurer for the East St Paul Chamber of Commerce.
If you would like more information, click here. You can also contact Laura by phone (204.791.0565) or email.