Adams was also campaign manager for Gentle Jim Flaherty, the ill-windbag from Oshawa, who’s hatred for this province was manifest when he was part of the Harris regime and given words when he told investors they’d be nuts to invest in Ontario.
Rightly dubbed the “Toronto Pork Authority,” the federal boondoggle passes out largesse to government insiders while holding down a key portion of our rightful parkland on Toronto Island and sucking the life out of Toronto’s struggling taxpayers.
It’s the only port authority in Canada that doesn’t cover its own expenses, contrary to federal law. It pays no city taxes and is tens of millions of dollars in arrears on paying its legitimate costs, according to city officials.
Started as a Liberal pork barrel by disgraced ex-MP Dennis Mills (dumped by voters in favour of Jack Layton), the TPA is an industrial mouse compared to the elephant-sized port authorities across Canada.
Mayor David Miller had early targeted it as ripe for takeover by the city to free taxpayers from the intrusion of first Liberal, now Tory, federal payouts to their loyalists and lackeys.
Baird merely responded by creating an extra board position to keep the pork flowing.