The St. Lawrence Market Neighbourhood BIA will be hosting a focus group on Feb. 15 at 2 p.m. at C’est What? at 67 Front St. E. to discuss the city’s King Street Pilot Study.
BIA members should email to confirm attendance.
The meeting will be facilitated by Pauline Larsen, senior economic development manager with the Downtown Yonge BIA, and the City of Toronto.
The goal of the BIA’s meeting is to identify and prioritize key metrics of success for the St. Lawrence Neighbourhood to be evaluated as part of the King Street pilot project.
In advance of the meeting, please let Reynold and the BIA know if you have any of the following information about your property and/or company:
- parking
- loading and deliveries
- customer travel characteristics
- employee travel characteristics
For those unable to make it on Feb. 15, there is opportunity to make concerns heard at the city’s public consultation on Feb. 13 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Metro Hall, room 308-309, 55 John St. The notice for the Feb. 13 meeting is online here.