The clergy and congregation of St. James Cathedral held a retirement party for The Reverend Canon David Brinton, Sub-Dean and Vicar at the Cathedral for sixteen years, attended by well over 100 parishioners. Fr. Brinton was bestowed with gifts, roasted to a turn – musically – and the Old Vestry of the Cathedral has been renamed the Brinton Vestry in recognition and celebration of his service.
The Choir (I) Laura McAlpine, Peter Mowat, Teresa Mahon, Andrew Walker, Rebecca Claborn.
The Choir (II) Shannon Mercer, Heather Wilke, Neil Antonoff, Julia Oliverio, Lindsay McIntyre, Graham Robinson.
Robert Coates, Melissa Creighton, Don McKay.
Sharon Danley and Rob.
Marie and Grayson Nuttall.
Stephen Greene and Dunstan Morgan.
Patricia and Craig Dack.
Paula Thomas, Kate Merriman, Rollo Myers, Anne Harker, Linda Schultz.
Sean Dennis, Ashling McWilliam, Chun Lo.
Ric and Christine Hillier and Lay Delegate to Synod Bob Simpson.
Members of the Mandarin Federation of Canada: Han Yao, Eleanor Liu, Mia He, Rev. James Liu, Rebecca Chang.
Ted Hawken, Andrea and Rob Saffrey.
Daughter and Mother Jennifer Deacon and Jane Jeffrey.
Music Director Robert Busiakiewicz provides a little light accompaniment.
His Grace the Most Reverend Colin Johnson, Archbishop of Toronto and Karin Tari.
Don Wiebe, Bill Riddell, Shelley Boyd.
Anne Sophie Roy and Athena Mattheo.
Emcees for the evening: The Dean of Toronto and Rector of St. James Cathedral
The Very Rev’d Andrew Asbil and Lay Delegate to Synod Angela Carroll.
The Peoples of the Congregation.
Music Director Robert Busiakiewicz leads the Choir in a Roast Upon Psalm 132: “I will not suffer mine eyes to sleep nor mine eyelids to slumber/Neither shall I accept bad flower arrangements / nor when other preachers preach for far too long.”
Rev. David Brinton, the Roastee.
“Archbishops and deacons alike shall fear and love my name / For mine organization is mighty, my e-mail is swift and a mighty force.”
“The Lord God hath made a faithful oath unto David / David I shall bless the with an full head of hair.”
“Thou shalt be majestic in song; thy knowledge of Hymnody shall be very great. / …/O Lord spare me from the musicians / Father forgive them for they know not what they do.”
Rollo Myers
“Thou shalt be Vicar for sixteen years / Thou shalt bless the animals, thou shalt bless both man and stinking beast.”
Music Director Busiakiewicz then led the Choir in the secular Anthem “The Parting Glass.”
“Goodnight and joy be with you all.”
Morning Wang and Rev. James Liu of the Mandarin Ministry then presented Rev. Brinton with a replica of the Five Oxen, which hangs in the Palace Museum of the Forbidden City.
The Old Vestry has been renamed the Brinton Vestry,