Eight candidates are being interviewed to fill four vacancies on the Moss Park Arena board.
Two positions on the board are currently vacant due to the resignations of Dan Atkinson and Amr Kebbi in October 2016. The other two positions being filled are currently held by members who were appointed in June and July 2015 for a term of office ending December 31, 2016, and until successors are appointed.
The Moss Park and Ted Reeve Arena Nominating Panel has recommended a confidential short list of candidates for interviews on Jan. 27. The successful candidates will be recommended for appointment by community council. If community council accepts the nominating panel’s recommendations, the appointment of the new board members will be added to the agenda for full city council approval. The names of the recommended candidates will be publicly reported once the Moss Park and Ted Reeve Arena Nominating Panel forwards its recommendations to community council.
The composition of the Moss Park Arena board is determined by council and includes the councillor for Ward 27 plus nine members of the public, one of whom may be nominated by the Central Toronto Skating Club. The board also includes one non-voting staff member from the Parks, Forestry and Recreation Division.
Board members should meet certain qualifications. In addition to the general eligibility requirements set out in the city’s public appointments policy, public members of an arena board of management should collectively possess an interest and commitment to volunteering and community development including an understanding of diverse neighbourhoods. They should also have a range of skills or experience such as fundraising, financial management, sports facility operation, event planning, amateur and children’s sports development in the community, managing in the non-profit sector, law or marketing.
A majority of members should reside in the local area and demonstrate knowledge of the programs and activities of the arena.
Finally, the board must have a youthful perspective via having at least one member be a young adult aged 18 to 30.
The term of office for public members on the Moss Park Arena Board is normally four years.
While public appointments to arena boards are approved by community council, any recommended appointments which are exceptions to the city’s public appointments policy must be approved by council.
For more information, contact the public appointments manager Aretha Phillip at aphilli@toronto.ca or (416) 392-8152.