Sign here to keep Moss Park a park

The MoreMossPark project and The 519 plan to build a 9-storey building beside the Moss Park Armoury that will cast a shadow across the park to Sherbourne Street.

Sign the petition to ask Toronto City Hall to not take the easy way out by ignoring the people who use Moss Park, ignoring the children who need outdoor sport facilities, ignoring the residents and businesses surrounding the park, and ignoring the need to save mature trees in the city. Start helping the vulnerable and homeless in the park today, show us how you can help them in the future.

Write to your city councillor and ask your new candidates for their position!  Convince the city to come up with creative and innovative programs that works for the community.

Save the mature trees in the park. Save the children’s outdoor sports. Build the new community centre on the current site and don’t build it in the park. Make it better. Make it safer.