Approximately 25 waterfront area residents attended the York Quay Neighbourhood Association (YQNA) meeting on Nov. 18 at The Radisson Admiral Hotel at 249 Queens Quay West.
The meeting began with a standing ovation for MP Adam Vaughan for his successful work of stopping the expansion of the Billy Bishop airport.
As the crowd celebrated Vaughan was quick to point out that the fight maybe over for now but it may not be permanently settled.
“One of the challenges we have is there are three signatures to that Tripartite Agreement,” Vaughan told area residents. “Any one of them, at any time, can ask for it to be opened up for any reason to change any component on it.”
Pina Mallozzi and Mira Shenker from Waterfront Toronto presented an update on a number of issues surrounding the completed pedestrian and bike path along Queens Quay.
The latest statistics on bike traffic showed a significant increase. On the weekends an average of 45 bikes per hour pre-construction has grown to approximately 550 per hour since completion.
Evaluations are ongoing and since opening, new signs have been implemented for both vehicles and cyclists and shortly new lines will be painted on the road to guide cars into their proper lanes, keeping them out of the TTC areas.
A number of outstanding projects include the Jack Layton Ferry Terminal, the expansion of the TTC and park space at Lower Yonge St.A number of outstanding projects include the Jack Layton Ferry Terminal, the expansion of the TTC and park space at Lower Yonge St.
YQNA’s next meeting will be Jan. 13.
Information about the YQNA’s future meetings and projects can be found at