Dear friends:
We need your help. There is a fight to be fought and we need a lot of support.
Our dear friend Ruth’s brother Paul has recently been diagnosed with ALS. Paul is a young otherwise healthy amazing man with two beautiful young children.
As you know ALS at this point has no cure and actually no treatment. We need to change that!
We are having a fundraiser for the the ALS Stem Cell Project Fund at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. This is a project that will impact on treatments for patients not only with ALS but also MS, Alzheimers and Parkinsons disease.
Please find the invitation below. If you can attend please click the link to register for a ticket or if you cannot attend but still would like to make a donation please also click on the link.
We are so thankful for any and all of your support. This will help Paul and his family but also so many families that are struggling with the disease.
Looking so forward to seeing you all,
Davina and Kim and The Showroom Family

Benefit at The Showroom Dec. 6 to raise funds to fight ALS.