Seniors take to the streets for Safety walk brings community members together to look for danger

Dwight Peters –

The St. Lawrence Neighbourhood is a safe and comfortable place to live and it continues to be an example for cities around the world on good urban planning. A group of local seniors aim to keep it that way and are taking to the streets with the launch of their new Safety Walk program.

The idea of community walks isn’t necessarily new. Program organizer Don James first saw a prototype a few months back. “We were presented with a walk program being done in 42 Division at one of our 51 Division Community Police Liaison Committee (CPLC) meetings,” he explained. “I knew that this could be very useful for St. Lawrence with a few modifications.” James is the CPLC representative for the St. Lawrence Neighbourhood Association (SLNA).

Safety Walks bring community members together for regular treks where they identify circumstances that encourage unsafe or potential criminal activity.  The appropriate sources are then notified to help remedy the situation. “The program is part prevention, part education and also an important social and health activity for seniors” James notes. “Walkers receive training on what to look out for and what to do… we are the eyes on the street not vigilantes.”

The 51 Division crime prevention unit has played a key role in the St Lawrence program. Their expertise has helped the walk team develop a unique set of “watch out” factors for a Downtown community. “An open garage door is a magnet for crime in a suburb but  downtown it might be exposed items in a car,” noted 51 Division community relations officer, Constable Peter Cullingford. He and Staff-Sargeant Peter Troup are working with the local seniors.

The Safety Walk Team completed a pilot walk in August and will use the experience to drive a full roll out in September. SLNA President Dwight Peters who helped plan the walk observed, “This is a really important initiative for our area. You could really see the walkers’ enthusiasm and how they saw this will truly make a difference.”

Local seniors Sharon Baly, Jesse Ducusin, Margaret McQuade, Sheila Peart and Lois Thomson took part in the pilot.

The St. Lawrence Seniors Walk Program will formally launch in September and there is still room for more walkers. Contact if you’d like to join the team!