Port Authority crews blocked by residents

‘Sneak attack’ construction gambit at 4 a.m., contrary to city law, squelched by area residents

By Brian Iler –

In a second victory for Toronto’s waterfront communities during the week, residents and supporters blocked access to the construction site for the Toronto Port Authority’s (TPA) $82.5 Island Airport tunnel Mar. 23.

After a 4-hour standoff in front of an asphalt truck, protesters cheered as the truck left the site and work ceased.

A city law requires site plan approval for the work. In another community victory two days earlier, in a unanimous decision, Toronto and East York Community Council deferred approval of that site plan. The deferral followed numerous deputations to council as to the dire impact on the waterfront of the Island Airport’s aggressive expansion.

Given that deferral, residents of Bathurst Quay were surprised to be awakened at 4 a.m. Mar. 23 by sounds of construction as the TPA seemed to be trying to quickly complete the work before it was caught by the city. By 8 a.m. a number of protesters had arrived to block trucks entering the construction site.

Police arrived, and did not interfere with them, awaiting arrival of city officials. Councillor Adam Vaughan was present, and confirmed that the work being done was contrary to city requirements.

The Port Authority is notorious for its arrogance and lack of accountability. This is yet another example of what appears to be their belief that the laws that apply to everyone else don’t have to be followed by them. Residents did what we had to do this morning to ensure the law is respected.”

The TPA’s own press release this morning admits its misconduct. It states:

“The site plan approval application relates to the new taxi queuing area, commercial parking and other parking areas.  These facilities will proceed should site plan approval be obtained.

The work stopped in the morning of Mar. 23 involved the taxi queuing area, and other parking areas.