“Just like children imitate their parents, Jesus imitated His Father,” says Holly, 12. “We are the children of God. We can be loving, patient, caring and compassionate and have the love of God in our hearts.”
No one has ever lived a more balanced life than the Lord Jesus. His love and righteousness balanced each other in perfect harmony.
Kids talk about God
We all have a tendency toward pride even when we’re right. Jesus was always right yet always humble. In Jesus, love and righteousness were perfectly balanced.
“Jesus knew exactly what to speak, when to speak and when not to speak anything,” writes theologian Stephen Kaung. “How beautiful! May the beauty of the Lord Jesus become ours.”
“Jesus followed what His Father has done. So we follow what Jesus does,” says Hannah, 10.
Jesus did not live according to public opinion polls. He put himself under the rule of heaven. Because Jesus listened to the voice of his Father, he lived on earth as though in heaven.
Even though Jesus lived a sinless life, he denied his sinless self in the Garden of Gethsemane when he prayed, “Father, if it is your will, take this cup away from me; nevertheless not my will, but yours, be done,” (Luke 22:42).
On the cross, Jesus drank the wrath that we deserve. Jesus hung on a cruel cross and absorbed the punishment of God’s righteous judgment so that we could live with him forever.
If there were another way to bring us to himself, Jesus would have done it: “if it is your will, take this cup from me.” However, Jesus denied his sinless self and submitted to his Father’s will: “nevertheless not my will, but yours be done.”
“Jesus was a human being who was completely set apart for only one purpose; devotion to the Father and His will,” wrote Kaung.
Jesus multiplied a boy’s lunch to feed 5,000 people, but he refused to use his power to turn desert stones into bread when the devil tempted him in the desert (Matthew 4:1-4). The question asked after Jesus feed 5,000 people illustrates how most people misunderstand God’s will.
“‘What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?’
“Jesus answered and said to them, ‘This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he sent,’” (John 6:28-29).
The Bible teaches us about the many wonderful works of God, but from his perspective, there is only one work. All God’s works revolve around this one work.
Religious leaders have their own ideas about what works please God. Even though well intended, it doesn’t mean God approves or blesses.
We need to understand “the work of God” first. Afterward, all other works will find their proper place within that one work of God, writes Kaung.
The one work of God is to bring mankind to God. Faith in Jesus Christ as saviour is the means whereby everyone can receive the benefits of Jesus’ one work on the cross. God the Father will present the redeemed people of God as a royal bride to King Jesus.
Think about this: “Salvation is not something that is attained through human effort, but instead it is a freely given gift. The only ‘work’ necessary is to receive the gift of God for eternal life through His Son, Jesus Christ,” writes Bible scholar J.E. White.
Memorize this truth: John 6:29 quoted above.
Ask this question: Have you learned from Jesus how to accept by faith his one work of salvation?
— Carey Kinsolving
To access free, online “Kids Color Me Bible” books, “Mission Explorers” videos, a new children’s musical, and all columns in a Bible Lesson Archive, visit www.KidsTalkAboutGod.org. To read journey-of-faith feature stories written by Carey Kinsolving, visit www.FaithProfiles.org.
© 2017 Carey Kinsolving