Heritage Toronto at the City of Toronto’s Historic Sites have put together a day-long symposium titled Understanding Toronto Through Archaeology: A Public Symposium for Feb. 11 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
What lies beneath the city’s surface?
For more information and to buy your tickets please visit the Heritage Toronto event page.
The agenda for the day is as follows:
Keynote: St. Lawrence Market Archaeology, Peter Popkin
Peter Popkin is a senior archaeologist with Golder Associates and a sessional lecturer at Wilfrid Laurier University. He is currently the project lead on the excavation of the St. Lawrence North Market and will share with us his team’s preliminary findings.
Morning session: Archaeology in the City
How does archaeological research change or affirm our understanding of the past? What sort of archaeological heritage does Toronto have? Join historians and archaeologists who will present three prominent archaeological sites and explore how their discoveries have affected our heritage and public history.
Brown bag lunch (included in ticket fee).
Afternoon session: Archaeology as a Heritage Resource
What happens after an archaeological assessment? Why is archaeology important to city building? Representatives from City Planning, the Ministry of Culture, and the University of Toronto will discuss the policies and processes that define how these resources are managed.