The York Quay Neighbourhood Association (YQNA) is meeting on March 11 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Radisson Admiral Hotel at 249 Queens Quay West.
Guest speaker Marvin Stemeroff, ssociate vice president of AECOM Technology Corp., will speak to his role in the Environmental Assessment process, which will look at the socio-economic side of the proposal to expand the airport and allow jets. His talk will be followed by a Q&A.
Tom Davidson from Councillor McConnell’s office will lead a discussion about commercial use of our public parts on the Waterfront. Parks are leased to our corporations for concerts, events or business functions. Barriers go up and tickets are sold. Is this good?
- Neighbourhood Representatives’ Reports.
- Meet other interesting and active YQNA residents.
- Learn about our neighbourhood.
After the meeting we socialize in the Radisson lounge.
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