From Dave Meslin at Scenic Toronto:
Last week, we sent an Action Alert about Outfront Media’s proposal to build a massive digital billboard, directly facing Serena Gundy Park in the West Don park corridor.
The Sign Variance Committee received an unprecedented total of 70 letters about this particular proposal. Thank you to everyone who took the time to write. Two letters were from Outfront Media themselves. Of the remaining 68 letters, 100% were written in opposition to the digital megaboard.
Rather than lose an embarrassing vote at the Committee, the applicant decided to withdraw the application entirely. The opposition was simply too strong, and they knew they had no chance of winning.
This is what happens when residents in Toronto speak out. The Eglinton proposal is dead and the neighbourhoods around Serena Gundy Park and Leaside have been spared… for now.
But don’t think that these companies and their lobbyists will give up. Each month, there are new proposals for new signs. These companies are hungry for more digital locations and they won’t stop as long there is available space near our roads, homes, parks and public spaces.
We’ll let you know next time there is another Action Alert. In the meantime, please consider making a secure online donation to support our efforts and help protect our neigbourhoods.
Source: Good News! (Re: Digital Megaboard proposed for West Don park corridor)