The ten best apps for yoga, suitable for kids

Yoga-kidsParents are confronted with an avalanche of new apps for computer and mobile devices. Yoga is no exception. Which app is right for your level, your time constraints, suitable for the kids and e-safety appropriate, well-designed and professionally presented. Here are some we selected for you, all of them with good reviews from the experts:

For the experienced: Yoga Pro for iPad: Asanas and Exercises. The advantages here are its mobility being available for iPad. Another plus is that there is a free version: Yoga Free which you can check out before purchasing.

Universal Breathing: Pranayama only on this app but it will work from beginner to advanced yoga.

iYoga+ is a free video presentation showing the full sequence thus useful for the beginner who needs to know how to make the transition form one pose to the next.

Yoga 101:Vinyasa flow yoga. Real-life models used to illustrate exercises and graceful and smooth transition from one pose to the next. First lesson is free thereafter a modest cost per lesson.

Airplane Yoga: This is a marvelous addition to the yoga literature and apps. Air Travel with its long airport processing time, cramped seating and long-haul travel especially, can cause stress and fatigue, add to that time zone differences and the body goes into a state of rebellion. This little number is a must for yogis and no-yogis who are regular air commuters. It comes in a free version also. As an added bonus there is a section on how-to “zen-travel”. Good idea for a gift for colleagues or friends who do a lot of travel.

iPhone app: Hatha Yoga: your portable Yoga Studio comes highly recommended and comes with the option of either pre-set or customized routines.  The designer is both Yoga and computer master. Well-designed and beautifully presented.

49 Poses: Children’s Yoga Video Lessons: This is a free download and comprises video lessons for teachers. It has been well reviewed with a 4:5 rating. It illustrates how to teach children poses and techniques in a quality video presentation.

(For this and other apps to be used or viewed buy children) it is always wise to do an e-safety check on any download. is an informative site that provides the opinion of experts in e-media technology and child development and in that forum you may test any free downloads before you embark.

iPhone app: Authentic Yoga with Deepak Chopra comes highly recommended. It is pretty comprehensive and attractively designed and demonstrated. It also allows contact and Q and A with other Yogis.

Pilates Interactive Free for iPhone and with 18 Poses and three series it is an attractive well-presented download. The pro version is much expanded and well-priced.

Pocket Yoga for iPhone, iPad and iPad touch: Good ratings of 4.5 and a multitude of features: 3 Different practices at 3 different levels, detailed voice and visual instruction in every pose, play the default music or from your own music library, even play through your TV via your device.

We hope that this will help you get back onto the programme. As you can see there are apps in the above selection to suit all levels and even the most pressurised lifestyle. And, let’s face it, that is when you are going to need your yoga to find that inner quiet space within you.


Edited by Raymond