Tag Archives: prime minister

Pierre’s silly son screws up all he surveys

Justin Trudeau seems to have inherited each of his parents’ worst features: Pierre’s arrogance and his mother Margaret’s brainpower.Trudeau arrogance It appears the high-school-drama-teacher turned prime minister never had enough life experience to qualify as the leader of any nation. ...

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Orange was the colour of the election, not the NDP

A funny thing happened on Election Day as the Dippers imploded and the Tories were demolished. Orange was the colour of the month for all parties except the Greens. But it didn’t exactly show a desire to emulate Tom Mulcair ...

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How Canadians can profit on the Liberal victory

Dylan Moran — While most polls had been placing the Liberal party as favourite, no one expected such a resounding victory. The win by the Liberals is the first time a son of a former Prime minister has won the ...

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