Tag Archives: Paul Craig Roberts

Russia’s weakness is its economic policy

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and Michael Hudson — Global Research — According to various reports, the Russian government is reconsidering the neoliberal policy that has served Russia so badly since the collapse of the Soviet Union. If Russia had adopted an ...

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Brexit: What is it about? What is at stake?

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts — If you read the presstitute media, Brexit—the referendum on the UK’s exit from the EU— is about racism.  According to the story line, angry rightwing racists of violent inclinations want to leave the EU to avoid having ...

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How the US government and US military became Murder, Inc.

Paul Craig Roberts, PhD — Andrew Cockburn has written a must-read book.  The title is Kill Chain: The Rise Of The High-Tech Assassins.  The title could just as well be: How the US Government and US Military Became Murder, Inc. The US ...

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US Psychological Warfare in Ukraine: Targeting Online Independent Media Coverage

By George Eliason Global Research, March 20, 2015 Region: Russia and FSU Theme: Intelligence, Media Disinformation, US NATO War Agenda In-depth Report: UKRAINE REPORT If you are a journalist writing about or a person concerned about issues like Free Speech, read or write in alternative media ...

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