“Shining A Light on the Forgotten, The British Home Children in Canada” is the topic of a lecture that Lori Oshefski , Founder and CEO of the British Home Children Advocacy & Research Association, will present at Enoch Turner Schoolhouse, Wednesday, June 1, 2016 at 7 pm.
Between 1863 and 1949, over 100,000 children were moved from the UK to Canada as immigrants. Today, Canada is home to over four million descendants of these British Home Children and yet most Canadians are completely unaware of their story.
Through research into her own family history, Lori discovered her mother was such a child migrant. She is determined that the huge contribution of these children to the founding of our nation be recognized and their stories heard.
Lori was born and raised in Orillia. She has been working with family history research, which focuses on the British Home Children, since 2008 when her mother, at the age of 86, revealed that she was a BHC. She has 22 BHC connected to her family.
Tickets are $12 (free to members) and can be bought through Eventbrite or 416-327-6997, and reservations by emailing debbiekeffer@enochturnerschoolhouse.ca. Reception at 6:30 p.m.; lecture at 7 pm.
Enoch Turner Schoolhouse is at 106 Trinity Street, near King and Parliament streets, and is TTC and wheelchair accessible. Enoch Turner Schoolhouse Foundation is Registered Charity 11927 2862 RR 0001. More information may be found at www.enochturnerschoolhouse.ca.