Sellout of Canada in the works?

‘Secret’ North American Union talks to begin

By Council of Canadians –

ACTION ALERT: Demand a say in North America’s future

The next North American leaders summit – where Canada, the United States and Mexico have met to discuss progress on the Security and Prosperity Partnership – is less than four weeks away and Canadians have been told nothing about it.

The U.S. State Department has posted that the meeting will take place August 8 to 11, but Canadian embassy officials in Mexico would not confirm this date when asked. The Guadalajara Reporter says the leaders will meet in the central Mexican city of Guadalajara, but the White House will not confirm that either.

President Barack Obama promised in February 2008 that all future North American leaders summits “will be conducted with a level of transparency that represents the close ties among our three countries,” and that he “will seek the active and open involvement of citizens, labor, the private sector and non-governmental organizations in setting the agenda and making progress.”

With so little time before the next summit, and so little information about the agenda, this promise is unlikely to become a reality. We are even more disappointed that Prime Minister Harper has made no such promise of inclusivity, despite the clearly stated concerns of Canadians across the country over the past several years.


We need you to help get the word out that Canadians, Mexicans and Americans are once again being excluded from the North American dialogue. Cooperation across borders is necessary and beneficial when it is in the interests of all peoples, but the SPP was about a very narrow, corporate version of cooperation that put profits before people. The SPP perpetuated and expanded an unsustainable energy and trade model while placing new barriers to the movement of people in the form of draconian security measures.


In the lead up to the next North American summit you can do two things:

  1. Write to Industry Minister Tony Clement (, Prime Minister Stephen Harper ( and cc your MP to let them know you oppose the SPP model of North American integration and will not tolerate our leaders re-starting it in Mexico this August. Click HERE to find your MP’s contact information.
  2. Write a letter to the editor of your local paper asking why the Canadian government is being so secretive about where the next North American leaders summit will take place and what is on the agenda. Use this opportunity to explain to your community what was wrong with the SPP, and how secretive and exclusive a process it has been. Click HERE to find email addresses.

To inspire your letter, please read through the Integrate This! website or use the sample letter below.