Today, March 2, 2017, over 170 friends and supporters of Justin Van Dette will gather at UG3 Live to recognize and roast one of Toronto’s most active volunteers.

Justin Van Dette
A number of special guests will be speaking about and roasting, their good friend Justin. “Roasters” include Premier Kathleen Wynne, Mayor John Tory, former Police Chief and federal Minister Julian Fantino and media personalities Ken Reid, Sportsnet and Anthony Farnell, Global News.
Proceeds from the evening will be directed to the AIDS Committee of Toronto an organization that Van Dette feels does get enough attention and support.
The who’s who of Toronto have confirmed their attendance as well as local residents from East York where Van Dette has carried out a number of active volunteer activities for nearly 25 years.
Former Mayor Mel Lastman, Brian Burke from the Calgary Flames and Hockey Night in Canada’s Don Cherry will be adding their thoughts on Justin through their own special video messages.
Known to many in his community, he has developed a reputation of bringing people together, Van Dette currently works at Michael Garron Hospital and part-time for the Toronto Blue Jays Baseball Club. He also volunteers for dozens of organizations and charities in his community. He recently championed a city wide initiative to restore paper bus schedules at major intersections across Toronto.
Other notables attending include former Deputy Premier George Smitherman, members of Toronto City Council, members of both federal and provincial parliament and leaders from across the city.
An active organizing committee for the event, which is co-chaired by Teresa Vasilopoulos & George Tory will ensure a good time, is had by all and that substantial funds raised are for the AIDS Committee of Toronto.
- Thursday, March 2, 2017
- 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM
- UG3 Live, 77 Peter Street
— Natalie Kiparisas