Braz Menezes —
As you may have heard, at the request of Mr. Deluce of Porter Airlines, supported by Mayor Rob Ford, the city has embarked on a number of studies (estimated cost between $650,000 and rising, of taxpayers’ money) to try a bring jets to Toronto’s Waterfront. In other words, to turn our Waterfront into an industrial zone again.
It took almost all of the last century for visionary civic leaders to consolidate the Islands in a vast recreation space for future generations, and to protect the habitats of birds that use these islands as a hopping point for their annual migrations.
The three levels of government have committed $1.4B of more taxpayers’ money to transform the previous industrial edge of the Lake into a World Class, award-winning Waterfront.
We are only 18 months away from a revitalized Queens Quay, and a fast rail link to Pearson Airport, in time for the PanAM Games of July 2015. Already, with the existing airport, there is traffic chaos, and numerous other problems, for which the city will have to raise more taxes to fix (remember those subway discussions last week?) The city is broke, and the Port Authority is quibbling about the property back taxes it owes the City. You, as taxpayers, will have to make up the shortfall, so that normal commuter traffic can move on Lake Shore Blvd, Bathurst Street and the Gardiner.
If you agree, please write to your local councillor and say NO to EXPANSION for Jets.
We do not need a mini-Pearson to destroy our Waterfront for future generations. Please spread this message. It is urgent. Let us show we are fed-up with predatory greed and Influence peddling by private interests in public resources.
Please join the fight to protect our Waterfront for all GTA residents.