Ceta Ramkhalawansingh —
Just under two weeks from now, Councillor-elect Joe Cressy will take over as the ward councillor. If you haven’t already done so, and wish to remain on the Ward 20 mailing list, please reply with a request to subscribe.
In the past eight years, many leading policies and practices were established by former Councillor Adam Vaughan. A cornerstone of this work has been housing – housing for families, affordable housing, co-op housing, repairing and upgrading the TCH backlog.
With federal rent-geared to income housing subsidies set to expire, we need to come together and protect our community’s right to affordable, stable housing. The Toronto rally is part of a National Day of Action taking place across Canada, to send a message to the Federal government that we are calling for a national housing strategy and a stop to the cuts now!
I invite you to support the campaign to recognise Housing as a Human Right.
The National Housing Day Rally will be held on:
Friday, November 21 2014
12 noon to 1 pm at Yonge Dundas Square
This will be followed by a Right to Housing Forum at Holy Trinity Church (Eaton Centre) from 2 to 5 pm. The event is wheelchair accessible.
We need a national housing strategy now!
And, of course, we look forward to seeing you at the Ward 20 “wrap” party on Monday November 24 from 4 to 6.30 pm at the Rivoli, 334 Queen Street West.