Very Toronto of both sides
By Frank Touby –
Occupy Toronto, which has made a muddy mess of much of St. James’ Park, is finally over. To their credit there has been no violence in the eviction and they have certainly made their more reasonable points such as the rape of civilization by investment bankers and monster corporations; the purchase of governments by the monied elites
They have in the main used their collective right of free speech to make those points. But sustaining a tent city in a beloved park isn’t a right and for those who normally use the park and have been effectively evicted, this is a proper end.
Toronto Police avoided the horrors, errors (and in some cases felonies) they committed during the G20 nightmare brought on our city by Stephen Harper. They were polite and all were conspicuously identified by name tags. And unlike the G20, there were no police provocateurs from the Mounties or OPP in evidence.