Oboy! A painting of Robbie is unveiled! No worry: he’s fully dressed

Frank Touby —


Rob Ford

After clearing this with the city’s integrity commissioner, artist Gary Crawford, a city councillor for Scarborough Southwest, agreed to paint a portrait of Toronto’s now world-famous mayor. Witnesses said he looks a bit thinner on canvas than he does when canvassing or glad-handing crowds. It was unveiled at city hall in front of an audience of aesthetes.

The Mayoral Mum, Diane Ford, is reported to have requested that Crawford apply his brush to the mayoral canvas and institute an image of the now world-famous Toronto mayor whose alleged video has been viewed by zillions. Crawford is a recognized artist and because he did the job free, the integrity commissioner had to sign off on it. Not on the canvas, just on the freebie.

Crawford is chairman of the Mayor’s Task Force on the Arts and Theatres and has managed to convince the gravy-train derailing mayor that the arts and culture programming is okay to spend tax money on. No puddle of spilled gravy there.

No word on where the portrait will hang, though some of Robbie’s critics would like to hang him with it. But they’re all Downtown socialists, so who cares about their opinions? Right?

As another former Toronto mayoral comedian used to say (and still does in commercials): Noooooooobody!