Toronto Hydro would like to inform you of Project Queens Quay–Rees, designed to help improve the electrical system in your ward and allow expansion out of our new Copeland Transformer Station. The civil portion of this project is expected to begin by mid March 2016 with an approximate completion date of mid May 2016.
Throughout the project, the northbound lane on Rees Street will be closed off between Queens Quay West (South) and Lake Shore Boulevard West (North). The traffic (East/West) along Queens Quay West will not be affected by this project. Toronto Hydro crews and contractors will take extra care and precautions around your property.
The portion of the driveway, sidewalk and other areas affected by our work will be restored upon completion of the project as season, weather and schedules permit.
Source: toronto_hydro_construction_notice___march_15_2016_1.pdf