This is an online conversation a parent of a precocious 10–year-0ld had with software giant Adobe. The parent is shown as “you” the Adobe rep is Nash:
The website message: One moment please while we route your chat to a representative.
The conversation begins: Thank you for contacting Adobe Sales. My name is Nash. How may I help you today?
Nash: Hi, may I have your first name please?
you: hi
Nash: Hi , I’ll be glad to help you with your purchase today.
you: I’m thinking of a trial for my 10 yr. old
Nash: Okay.
you: she’s keenly interested in photoshop
you: would she then be eligible for student/teacher pricing
you: ?
you: I’m George btw
Nash: George, the eligibility for student discount should be 13 years and above.
you: odd policy
Nash: Well, trial version doesn’t come with full features.
you: you’d think you want kids to learn
Nash: I’d recommend that you to invest in Photoshop CC at just $19.99/month.
you: S/T creative cloud is the same price
Nash: You will get free online videos on how the software works.
Nash: Creative Cloud will cost you $19.99/month for students.
Nash: The regular price is $49.99/month.
you: but you’re saying she’s too young
Nash: I understand your concern, however the student should be 13 years and above to get student discount.
you: why
you: ?
you: she’s in a gifted program working at above her age level
Nash: That’s because the US state law says that the online services should be used only by users who are 13 years or above under Adult supervision.
Nash: You can purchase the CS6 software in this case.
you: she’s not in the U.S.(Canada)
Nash: I’m sorry George, it applies to Canada also.
you: so her only choices are lie about her age, pay professional fees, or stay away from the Adobe Platform…
Nash: Option is to purchase the CS6 software.
you: I will advise her to apply her intelligence elsewhere
you: cutting out intelligent children will hurt your market share, certainly now, definitely in the long term
you: don’t know a lot of 10 yr. olds with $800 for software
Nash: I do understand your concern regarding that, however, as per Adobe policy our customer who has reached 13 years and above can only subscribe to Adobe subscription product.
you: unacceptable