CommunityAIR: Aircraft noise complaint form

(Photo by Duncan McAllister)

(Photo by Duncan McAllister)

If you are affected by noise of planes using the Toronto Island Airport, (Toronto City Centre Airport), CommunityAIR draws your attention to part of the contract governing the airport. It foresaw many more people using the waterfront and built in a complaint mechanism to keep us from having to suffer in silence, if aircraft noise affects us. Just fill in the Toronto Port Authority complaint form at:

The port authority is required to respond, telling you what action, if any, has been taken. Do not be discouraged by their replies. Registering noise disruption, low flying planes, and flights outside of the allowed times of 6:45 a.m. to 11 p.m. is what is important. The TPA website also posts the previous month’s list of complaints.
It is important that everyone whose life is disrupted by the air traffic using the Toronto Island, log a complaint, so that the port authority and those who use this airport realize that there are impacts on the neighbourhoods around it.
For more information, contact