Dennis Hanagan –
Toronto wants to appeal a decision by the Ontario Municipal Board that approved a 25-storey mix used development bounded by Colborne, Church and King streets.
In a motion deemed “urgent” due to a legal deadline, councilor Pam McConnell got city council’s approval in August to seek leave to appeal the OMB’s July decision at Divisional Court regarding 101 King St. E. and 54-70 Colborne St.
McConnell’s motion also requested city council to direct the city solicitor to file a motion with the OMB to hold a review of its decision.
Further, council wants its planning department to review the St. Lawrence Neighbourhood Focused Area and make a report to Toronto and East York Community Council in 2015 with a recommendation to establish a new Area Specific Official Plan Policy regarding the height and built form of new development.
A new area specific policy “would help ensure that future development in the area respects the moderate heights anticipated in the (city) guidelines,” said an addendum to McConnell’s motion.
A community consultation meeting is to be scheduled regarding staff’s proposed OP amendment.