By Toronto Environmental Alliance –
More recycling for Toronto!
Starting this fall, clear food containers, the ubiquitous ‘clamshells’ used for egg cartons, fruit and vegetables, and baked goods, will be recyclable in the Toronto’s Blue Box. This will divert 2000 tonnes of waste per year from landfill!
Some major retail chains recently shifted to a single resin for these containers to improve recyclablility. We’re happy to see retailers and producers take greater responsibility for their packaging choices – read more here.
The clamshells have been mistakenly put in Blue Boxes for years, making them one of the top ‘Bin Sins’ in Toronto. The recycling symbol on the bottom doesn’t relate to what is accepted in Toronto. Read more about why many plastics aren’t recyclable.
Though this disposable packaging is now recyclable, it’s important to remember to Reduce, Reuse then Recycle. Single-use packaging uses significant natural resources and energy to produce and recycle. Choose reusable!
Stay tuned this fall for more information about Toronto’s waste diversion programs and what the city needs to do to get to 70% (and higher!) diversion from landfill.