Get Campy people! Centennial College Corporate Communications & Public Relations students are hosting a fun and games fundraiser for Camp Oochigeas, Monday March 31, 2014 at the Fox and the Fiddle.
Seven enthusiastic “camp counsellors” will raise money and awareness for “Camp Ooch”, a group that helps enrich the lives and boost the spirits of sick youngsters by taking them camping.
Camp Oochigeas runs specialized programs to boost spirits for childhood cancer patients in Muskoka, at the Hospital for Sick Children and at a one-of-a-kind recreational space in downtown Toronto. In 2013, the group marked its 30th anniversary.
Get Campy will feature more than $2,000 in prizes and raffle items including a signed Mats Sundin jersey and Blue Jays tickets. Tickets are $10 at the door. The Fox and Fiddle is located at 535 Danforth Ave. Those who wish to attend are asked to arrive at 7p.m.