Cabbagetowner reads Shakespeare in original pronunciation

Linda Litwack —

Ever heard Shakespeare spoken as it was in his time? Cabbagetown resident David Klausner reads texts from Shakespeare in original pronunciation this month, in a performance honoring The Bard on the 400th anniversary of his death.
In an evening title “Shakespeare’s Saints and Sinners”, the professor emeritus of English and Medieval Studies, University of Toronto reads from such plays as Macbeth, Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet in the original pronunciation. Interspersed with Klausner’s readings will be music by William Byrd, John Dowland and Thomas East from the age of the Tudors and Stuarts, performed by The Musicians In Ordinary – soprano Hallie Fishel, lutenist John Edwards and a violin “band” led by Christopher Verrette.
Hearing original pronunciation makes some of the wordplay in Shakespeare much easier to understand. The website offers more explanation.
The Musicians In Ordinary and David Klausner celebrate Shakespeare in words and music Saturday, March 19, 8 p.m. at the Heliconian Hall, 35 Hazelton Avenue in Yorkville. Tickets, $30 ($20 students and seniors), are available at the door. Information may be obtained here or call 416-535-9956.