Backroom deal would enable the pair to grow to even more gigantic proportions and dominate your phone & Internet
By Open Media –
Rogers has struck a backroom deal with Shaw1 to take over systems crucial to delivering our mobile Internet and phone services – systems that were promised2 to create new independent choices for Canadians, not more control for Big Telecom. LEARN MORE
We do not deserve this. has joined experts and advocates to send a letter3 to our Industry Minister telling him to block this shady backroom deal and stand up for greater choice in Canada! The Industry Minister is about to make his decision. We need you to add your voice right now for him to stop it. Demand choice over the future of Internet access by clicking here now.
The deal will allow our biggest mobile phone and Internet provider, Rogers Inc., to go around the spirit of Canada’s key digital policy rules so they can grow even bigger – and jack up your bill. The move will freeze independent choices out of the market and all but guarantee that Canadians have only three mobile telecom giants to choose from.5 Years down the road, if we do nothing, we will look at this as the moment when choice and affordability were killed in Canada’s mobile Internet and phone services.
Please don’t let this happen. Industry Minister Christian Paradis can block this move by Rogers – but he will only do so if we all take a second to raise our voices now. We know that Big Telecom’s backroom deals are killing choice for citizens. But the pro-Internet community has proven that we can push leaders to stop these shady deals. When we come together, we stop the cheaters and take power over our digital rights.
But we must take action as a community now to make Big Telecom play fair. With hope, Steve, Josh, Lindsey, Diana, and Reilly—on behalf of your OpenMedia team P.S. OpenMedia is a small non-profit organization working overtime to safeguard your access to the open Internet. We rely on donations from people like you to maintain our efforts. If you can, please join us by chipping in whatever you can afford to sustain us today.