Cabbagetown Mural Vote 2018
After the incredible success of our “Welcome To Cabbagetown Mural” on the side of the LCBO at Winchester and Parliament in 2016, we are excited to bring Cabbagetown another mural thanks to a grant from the City of Toronto and our location partners at Zakkushi Restaurant on historic Carlton Street in Cabbagetown.Capitalizing on the research conducted for the 2016 mural, Toronto artists Michael Cavanaugh and Ted Hamer have created 4 mural concepts and we need you to help us choose which one will be painted on the wall at Zakkushi, 193 Carlton Street.

The mural concepts include everything from Victorian wallpaper pattern backgrounds, a rose with a hidden cabbage, a cabbage moon, floral patterns and even a friendly and welcoming Red Panda!

Take a look at each and vote for your favourite now. Voting closes Monday June 18th, 12 noon.

Design 1: Rose of Cabbagetown
This is having fun with the cabbage motif (LOOK FOR THE HIDDEN CABBAGE!), fusing it with the roses and flowers that are so popular in neighbourhood gardens. This theme was based on some of the community consultations we did in 2016 for the LCBO Cabbagetown mural. Floral patterns and designs are traditional themes in the native cultures of many local residents, including Victorian England, India, and East Asia.
Design 2: Moon Garden
Having more fun with the cabbage motif, this design conjures up a magical midnight garden that only grows under the cabbage moon. Again, floral themes predominate alluding to the diverse cultural heritage of the neighbourhood.
Design 3: Red Panda 1
This is the design with the magenta background with teal flowers. A red panda sits on a cherry blossom tree looking towards the people (viewers) on the street. The background is based on early Victorian style wallpaper and features teal Japanese flower symbols on a magenta background.
Design 4: Red Panda 2
This is the design with the magenta background with light green and brown flowers..
A red panda sits on a cherry blossom tree looking towards the people (viewers) on the street.
The background is based on early Victorian style wallpaper and features light green and brown sakura blossom symbols on a magenta background.
Rank The Mural Concepts
Please rank the mural concepts first choice to fourth choice. You may only choose one First, Second, Third and Fourth choice. *
First Choice
Second Choice
Third Choice
Fourth Choice
Design 1: Rose of Cabbagetown
Design 2: Moon Garden
Design 3: Red Panda 1
Design 4: Red Panda 2
How often do you shop, visit a service provider or dine out in Cabbagetown? *
Less than once a month
Once or twice a month
Once a week
Two or more times a week
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I do not use any of these.
In the past week do you recall seeing a Facebook post from Cabbagetown BIA’s Facebook Page? *
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In the past week do you recall seeing an Instagram post from Cabbagetown BIA’s @Cabbagetown_BIA Instagram account? *
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In the past week do you recall seeing a Twitter post from Cabbagetown BIA’s @Cabbagetown_BIA Twitter account? *
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If you would like to volunteer at Cabbagetown Festival Saturday Sept 8th and/or Sunday September 9th please provide your email address here.

Your answer
If you have any comments about any of the events or programs Cabbagetown BIA offers, we’d like to hear. Cabbagetown BIA is a not-for-profit organization funded by your local businesses and commercial property owners in a defined area in Cabbagetown.
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