Youth leaders win Boys’ and Girls’ club scholarships

boysandgirlsclubTwo local youth were presented with Future Shop Future Leaders scholarships during a special celebration on Aug. 14 at the Future Shop store at 325 Yonge St.

The scholarships, which are offered to help recipients fund post-secondary education, are presented in cooperation with local Boys and Girls clubs. Winner Kaitlaind Thompson is from Toronto Kiwanis club, which is located in Cabbagetown just east of Parliament, while winner Mahdi Hussein is from Eastview club, which is between Gerrard and the Danforth just east of Broadview.

Thompson has been a member of the club for over 12 years. She has volunteered as a counselor in training during summer camps and is now a staff member and works diligently to ensure club members have a positive experience.

Thompson has a passion for working with children—something she developed as a result of her involvement with the club. Despite some obstacles and barriers in her personal life, at the club, Thompson was allowed to simply be herself and she wants to help provide such a supportive environment to other children. She understands the value in a simple smile or a listening ear to a child who feels alone and invisible.

In September, Thompson will be attending Centennial College and beginning her early childhood education diploma.

For over ten years, Hussein has been involved with the club as a member, volunteer and staff.

Although always willing to volunteer with a variety of club events, Hussein has been most involved with the club’s youth leadership group and the basketball association. He has attended two provincial youth conferences as well as national youth conferences—experiences which have helped him develop his strong communication and leadership skills which will help him as he pursues his bachelor of business administration degree.

In the fall, Hussein will continue his studies at Ryerson University’s Ted Roger’s School of Business Management where he is majoring in accounting. He plans to continue his education at the masters level and eventually to become a chartered accountant.