The Women of Promise team is going to Africa and the spirit of the St. Lawrence Market Neighbourhood is going with them.
Women of Promise support services is committed to helping women “one by one.” The group has strived for six years to improve the lives of women through learning opportunities, clothing drives, social interactions and functions. WOP’s main community partner is the Adelaide Women’s Resource Centre.
“Our success is made possible by the generosity of the St. Lawrence Market community,” tells Alda Arthur. “Our community has embraced and worked tirelessly over the past four years on the white shoe box drive. These boxes contain goodies and simple necessities for children in need. These boxes were distributed by missionaries to children in Cuba, Guatemala, Jamaica and Trinidad.”
Arthur reports that this September, white shoe boxes will be delivered by a group of girls ages 9 to 15 on the Helping Hands mission trip to Africa as part of a WOP initiative.
“Our goal is to distribute hundreds of gift boxes to orphaned African children affected by poverty and HIV/Aids. Our hope is to give Canadian youth first hand experience in the resilience of other young people with a goal to inspire them to carry on the white shoe box youth initiative,” Arthur states.
In order to make this trip a reality, the group is planning a series of fund-raisers starting with a Caribbean luncheon from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. on April 28 in The Kitchen at the St. Lawrence Market. An event titled Ginger’s Sock Challenge follows on May 12 at 8:30 a.m., when the WOP team will lead a stroll through the crafts, food and ambience of the North St. Lawrence Market’s farmer’s market.
On June 20, WOP will host the inaugural African gala at St. Lawrence Hall at 7:30 p.m. The event will feature African sounds, styles and cuisine, as well as an authentic African liberation ceremony commemorating the bicentenary of the abolition of the Slave Trade Act. Guests will include speaker Dr. Jean Augustine and historian Bruce Bell, who will speak about the history of the St. Lawrence Hall. The gala is a formal event; tickets are $100 and guests will receive a tax receipt for $50.
The final fund-raising project will be a multicultural food and music festival July 12, 13, and 14 at St. James Park, with music and food daily at noon. Bell will facilitate a tribute to the St. Lawrence business community on July 12 at 7 p.m.
For more information please contact Women of Promise at (416) 365-9827.