Condo dwellers get whacked with an 8% jump in condo fees; renters get whacked with 8% increases; everybody gets whacked and maybe the wacky goofball who agreed to it will get whacked too
By Frank Touby –
The guy nobody wanted as Liberal Party leader, Dalton McGuinty, has cursed Ontario with a Tory-style attack on the poor and middle classes. It’s a hellish concoction of the original Tory tax curse of GST and the Provincial Sales Tax to become the new Blended Sales Tax, or BS Tax.
It adds 8% to things that were never taxed before. Labour. Condo fees. Rents. Haircuts. Taxi rides. Bus fares. You name it and likely Dalton has taxed it.
It had been called a “harmonized” sales tax because it had the doofus McGuinty humming in tune with the former Mike Harris hitman Jim Flaherty who conned him into accepting this Ontario Liberal Party death knell.
Like a lovestruck pair in an upper Church Street pub, McG and Flaherty came to a meeting of the minds and hearts. Together they will gouge the common enemy—the public—and increase the bottom lines of those multinational corporations they worship. It will of course likely end the reign of the provincial Grits and, short of a coalition of non-reactionaries, might just end up with the Harris swineherd back in charge of the Ontario pigpen and pork barrel.