Transport Action Ontario says Island runways must be bigger for jets

Independent transport advocacy group Transport Action Ontario today unveiled a new report on the Toronto Island Airport Safety Zones and the potential impact of the proposed runway extensions and introduction of jets on the airport’s safety zones. In short, the changes would require a major expansion of the safety zones around the airport, impacting marine activities.

The introduction of Bombardier CS100 jets to Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport would necessitate a runway extension of at least 168 meters at each end.  These jets, which are larger, faster and less maneuverable than the current turboprop aircraft, would also require an expansion of the safety zones around the airport.

Unless exemptions are granted, Transport Canada’s minimum requirements would result in Object Limitation Surfaces (OLS) and Marine Exclusion Zones (MEZ) that would be a severe impediment to recreational boating, Toronto Island ferry routes and lake shipping. United States FAA requirements are similar to those of Transport Canada.

The report recommends that the City of Toronto defer a decision on the airport expansion until Transport Canada has reviewed and approved the airport design, the proposed OLS and MEZ, the impact of the jet blast area and the proposed improvements to emergency services. In addition, it is important that the implications of these parameters on marine navigation are fully understood.

The full report is available at