Dave Meslin—
We’ve all seen public space murals painted on buildings, in alleyways and under bridges across Toronto. But for the first time, city hall is allowing public art to be painted directly onto our streets. Five pilot projects are tentatively planned for 2016, with the first installation happening this Sunday in Kensington Market!
Location: Baldwin St, just west of Spadina
Date: Sunday, August 28
Time: 1 to 7 p.m.
For more information, visit the Toronto Public Space Committee Road Mural Project page or the City of Toronto information page.
The local project coordinator for the Kensington Market project is Stas Ukhanov (reach him at stasu16@gmail.com or (416) 458-4170). The city-wide project coordinator is Dave Meslin (reach him at dave@pigeonhat.ca or (416) 889-2837. The City of Toronto project manager is Jodi Callan, who can be reached at jcallan@toronto.ca or (416) 338-2951.