Special city-wide planning by-law meeting rescheduled to March 6

A special meeting of the planning and growth management committee on the city-wide zoning by-law previously scheduled for Feb. 13 has been rescheduled for March 6 at 9:30 a.m. in the council chamber at city hall, 100 Queen St. W.

The March 6 meeting is a statutory public meeting to review the latest draft of the city-wide zoning bylaw (dated Nov. 8, 2012) If the committee recommends approval, a final draft of the bylaw will proceed to council for enactment.

A separate statutory open house meeting is scheduled for Feb. 6 from 4 to 8 p.m. in the Metro Hall rotunda, at 55 John St.

The agenda and accompanying material will be sent out at a later date. For information, contact Frances Pritchard at (416) 392-1147 or e-mail pgmc@toronto.ca.

A number of Downtown development sites, including 8 The Esplanade, have been granted an exception from inclusion in the zoning by-law. 221 Seaton St., 100 Granby St., 331, 349, and 555 Sherbourne St., and 29 Draper St.

The by-law has also been amended to delete the prohibition on paid visitor parking in multi-residential and apartment buildings.

Religious organizations (height of steeples, frontage and parking), body rub facilities, crematoriums, drive-through facilities, and group homes are also covered in the new by-laws.