Rock against the Trans-Pacific Partnership

Brittany Smith —

(Sept. 16): A free “Rock Against the TPP” concert to help make some noise about this dangerous and costly corporate power grab. Musicians and celebs — including Evangeline Lilly from Lost — will be there to speak, perform, and get the party started. It’s going to be a bang!  If you haven’t already, RSVP for the concert here and we’ll send you a free ticket.

(Sept 17): A TPP teach-in and postering event, building on the momentum generated from the concert. Here we’ll be holding info sessions on the TPP, sharing strategies for how we can defeat it, and then hitting the streets for a mass postering action right in Trade Minister Freeland’s riding.

Come out to learn more about the TPP’s impacts on health, climate, the economy, and the dangers of Investor-State Dispute Settlement (which I’ll be leading). There will also be a session on how to talk to your MP about the TPP, and the different ways to get involved to help stop it.

If you haven’t already, RSVP for the teach-in and postering event.

Education. Awareness. Action: this is how we’re building a movement to win. Don’t miss out! Details, including times and locations of both event are below.

Hope to see you there!


Have you been itching to learn more about the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) — or been interested in volunteering with the Leadnow community, but thought you needed more information first? Well, we’ve got an exciting plan in the works just for you!

We’re working with friends at Open Media and elsewhere to put on free “Rock Against the TPP” concert in Toronto to raise public awareness around this dangerous, costly and outdated deal.

But the fun doesn’t end there…

We’re also planning a teach-in and postering event to channel the momentum from the concert. Here we’ll be holding info sessions on the TPP, sharing strategies for how we can defeat it, and then hitting the streets for a mass postering action right in Trade Minister Freeland’s riding.

Corporate lobbyists are trying to ram this deal into law, because the TPP is good for them — not for us. To do it, they need the public to remain in the dark about the TPP’s toxic impacts. We won’t let that happen.

You live in Toronto – come out to the events to learn more about how this deal threatens the things we care about: from climate action, to affordable medicine, and a strong democracy that works for us.

RSVP for the teach-in and postering event

RSVP for the concert here and we’ll send you a free ticket


Rock Against the TPP CONCERT

When: Friday, September 16. Doors open at 6pm, show runs until 2am.

Where: The Opera House – 735 Queen St E, Toronto, ON M4M 1H2 (Map)


When: Saturday September 17. 12:00pm

Where: United Steelworkers Hall, 25 Cecil St (Map). This is a family-friendly event, and we will be providing childcare. Lunch will be also be provided. RSVP here

We’re kicking off our fall campaign with a bang: a large scale concert and educational teach-in event to catch the attention of the media, reach thousands of people who have never heard of the TPP before, and give them the tools they need to fight back.

RSVP for the teach in & postering event:

RSVP for the concert: