Robert Deluce wants our Waterfront for his jets

Please tell City Councillors that that’s wrong – for our city, and for our Waterfront

By Brian Iler –

NOJETSJets are banned from the Waterfront for good reason – they belong at Pearson, not in the middle of our City’s greatest asset – our waterfront, and the Toronto Island Park. Jets make noise.

Robert Deluce has dubbed his jets “whisper jets”, but has provided no noise data. Even their manufacturer makes no such claim. They haven’t even flown yet!

Our best information says they’re just as noisy as the turboprops at the Island airport.

His company now is permitted 172 landings and take‑offs per day. He told the Globe and Mail in 2010 that that number could go to 300. How many is too many?

Robert Deluce minimizes the impact of required runway extensions – but we know the main east‑west runway will have to be extended at least 636 metres (2100 feet) ‑ the length of over six football fields.

Then what happens to our Harbour?

Will the runway have to extend all the way out to Ontario Place? What will happen to Ontario Place’s future?  Is it set to be destroyed?

How will this affect boaters and others using the lake and bay?

No one knows, because Robert Deluce has not provided any answers. Only a marketing campaign tied to a discredited push poll.

With a soon‑to‑be completed $1.4B Union Station/Pearson rail link, we’ll be easily whisked to Pearson. In fact, it will open before any jets can come to the Island Airport.

Jets belong at Pearson.

If he gets his way, Robert Deluce’s jets will fundamentally and permanently entrench a major industrial use on the Waterfront.

There is no doubt expansion would influence future development, and have a negative effect on planning for the Port Lands. After ten years of public consultation, and a year-long battle to save it from Doug Ford’s vision sketched out on a napkin?

Did we fight for our Port Lands plan only to hand its fate over to Robert Deluce?

Will the $110 million investment in Queens Quay be wasted?

Torontonians are investing a lot in the Waterfront and the rail link. To abandon current plans and reopen the Tripartite Agreement, Torontonians deserve a very compelling argument, not a snappy marketing gimmick. Why should we forfeit this vision for our relationship to a Great Lake for a few jets?

We know Robert Deluce will use his considerable influence to set aside that ban, even though it’s been in place for 30 years‑ since commercial use of the Island Airport was first proposed.

Robert Deluce he agreed to the ban when he started his airline. A deal’s a deal.

There’s a way to stop him right now, but we need your help to do so.

Toronto City Councillors will be voting on May 7 to on whether to embark on a study on Robert Deluce’s request for jets and runway extensions

We need your help to stop this threat to our Waterfront.

Please email or call your Councillor now, and tell them you want them to continue to protect our Waterfront from jets by refusing Robert Deluce’s overtures.

And it is especially important that these councillors who haven’t yet indicated how they feel about protecting our Waterfront hear from you.

Please forward to your friends. Let us know too if you’d like to endorse our campaign, or contribute in some way.

Check out our website and blog: (Coming soon!) Keep in touch by signing up for our blog on the website.

And please come to the City Council next Tuesday morning, May 7, at 10:00 to show your support for our waterfront. We expect Robert Deluce’s jets will be the first matter on the agenda.

– The NoJetsTO team