Planning for children in new vertical communities

Over the Family Day weekend we held a number of Planners in Public Spaces (PiPs) events at various locations around the City including the Agincourt Public Library, Colonel Samuel Smith Skate Park and Harbourfront Centre.
We are asking families to help us prioritize what is important to them at the unit and building scales. You can also participate in the study by taking our survey.

The survey responses will inform guidelines that will be considered by Planning & Growth Management Committee in the first half of 2017. The more responses we get, the better informed we will be, so feel free to distribute the survey widely.
The Growing Up team is also participating in the TOcore consultation event on March 4th, 2017 sign up here and in in the Urban Mind’s Youth Change-Makers Conference on March 19th, 2017. Conference details here.

We appreciate your continued interest in the study.

You can follow the social media conversation on Twitter using #growingupTO or #growingupVertical.
