Jays Care Foundation will unveil a brand new Jays Care gymnasium for the Toronto Kiwanis Boys and Girls Clubs (TKBGC). The development of the gym was made possible through a $100,000 Field of Dreams grant, and will offer Cabbagetown, St Jamestown and Regent Park youth a safe, supervised space to socialize and participate in physical activity.
TKBGC impacts 1,100 kids through its after-school, school-breaks and evening programs, and inspires them to make healthy lifestyle choices through a number of athletic programs. The Club borders Cabbagetown and Regent Park, where 69 per cent of the families the Club serves earn less than $20,000 annually.
During the unveiling Friday, Aug. 23, Jays Care presents TKBGC with a baseball equipment donation to assist in launching baseball programming at the Club. Following the ceremony, TKBGC children participate in a Blue Jays baseball clinic.