New Fort York group targets traffic first

Christina Palka –

The Fort York Neighbourhood Association (FYNA) is officially up and running, says newly-minted association president Vicki Townley-Trottier.

The fledgling group (whose mission is to help make the neighbourhood a safer and generally more beautiful place) came into being thanks to “friendly neighbourhood advisor” and Humane Society director Dean Maher, who presides over the nearby City Place Resident’s Association (CPRA).

The FYNA’s catchment area spans the triangle formed by Bathurst and Fleet streets and Fort York Blvd.

Potential members should live or work in the area and should start by joining the association’s Facebook group. It includes an open forum for residents to share and learn—and it’s also where to find details on the association’s first public meeting being scheduled for February.

Townley-Trottier explains that she and the association will work to make the new community less sterile and more friendly.

Though the area is made up of condo buildings, she explains, there are lives being lived within those buildings, just like the lives being lived in the houses on streets with neighbourhood watch programs.

She points to the CPRA’s recent tulip planting (which will see its first bloom in the spring) as an example of where to start and also what an organized community can accomplish.

While not aiming to interfere with issues that fall under the jurisdiction of individual condo boards, the FYNA will tackle traffic issues, including a crosswalk across Fort York Blvd. and a poorly timed light at Bathurst and Lakeshore.

Townley-Trottier welcomes more voices and ideas. Visit the Facebook page or email for more information.