“I’m running to bring our community’s progressive voice to Ottawa,” said Linda McQuaig, whom
New Democrats in Toronto Centre have elected to be the NDP candidate in the upcoming federal by-election.
“I’m honoured to have been elected as the New Democrat candidate in Toronto Centre,” said McQuaig. “I’m excited to continue the conversations we’ve been having in our community about bringing a strong voice to Ottawa and joining Tom Mulcair and the NDP in building a truly progressive alternative to the Harper agenda.”
Journalist and best-selling author Linda McQuaig has a national reputation for standing up for the public interest. She is a long-time resident of Toronto Centre. Her award-winning body of work has consistently impacted public policy discussions at the national level.
“I was inspired to run because I want to bring our community’s values, energy and diversity to the national stage,” said McQuaig. “I want to get results for Toronto Centre on important issues we all care about like affordable housing, reducing income inequality and environmental sustainability.”
“The NDP is best positioned to replace Stephen Harper in 2015 and we want the voters of Toronto Centre to be a part of it,” said NDP National Director Nathan Rotman. “Through an open and democratic nomination process, we have chosen a strong local candidate who will put the people of Toronto Centre first.”