Laugh at his compositions Symphony, Second City combining for musical event Nov. 29, 30

Kimberly Spice –

Few people who watch comedic sketches at the famous the Second City rarely recognize how much impact the music has on the audience. To make a memorable evening the comedians and music director must work hand-in-hand to create the perfect performance.

Providing the music for the main stage is Matthew Reid, composer, musical director and sound designer.

Reid did not start out to have a career as the music director. In the beginning, he auditioned to enter the Second City’s comedic training program but after people discovered his musical talent his profession turned toward music.

“Second City TV was a big source of comedic inspiration for me,” Reid told The Bulletin. “I realized in the late 90s that there was a training program for them. I auditioned and soon they found out that I was able to play music so I ended up playing music. Once they find out you play music you never end up on the stage.”

He was not totally disappointed.

His training and education was in music having graduated with an honours degree in music theory and composition from the University of Toronto faculty of music.

Reid calls the music a background canvas that the actors work upon, just as a soundtrack in a movie can influence the audience’s perception of a storyline.

“It’s like the lighting. There are all these things that you don’t necessarily notice unless you are listening to or looking for it,” Reid stated. “Primarily you want to hear the text, you want to hear the jokes.”

The Front and Sherbourne area resident has been with the Second City since 2005 after the show moved to Mercer St. Now Reid is working on an additional project with the Toronto Symphony Orchestra putting together original music and songs for the production of the Second City Guide to the Symphony,which will take place Nov. 29 and 30 at Roy Thomson Hall.

Read Reid’s blog at For more information on the Second City Guide to the Symphony visit at

Currently, the very funny Rebel Without a Cosmos is playing at the Second City. Tickets can be purchased through their web page at