The president of ATU Local 1624 continues to push forth the petition to put an end to driver fatigue.
The petition to put an end to driver fatigue was created about six months ago. An open letter was sent to the Minister of Transport, Lisa Raitt that there is an urgent need to change the current legislation.
Allan Medd, President of Local 1624 said the Minister needs to open her eyes and see the effects driver fatigue has on the drivers. “With recent bus tragedies within inter-provinces and cities, it is incredulous to me that the Minister of Transport has refused to acknowledge the petitions that are going to her office from hundreds of drivers on a daily basis,” said Medd. “I think that the Minister needs to see that the legislation has to change. “She needs to become a working advocate to alter the legislation rather than having more deaths in her hands.”
Medd said the Minister needs to realize the long-term effects the current legislation will have on bus drivers. “What we want is to reduce the maximum shift per day from 16 hours to 14 hours and the maximum time they should be behind the wheel is 10 hours as opposed to 13 hours,” said Medd. “That gives the drivers a 10 hour core rest period which eliminates fatigue.”
Medd further stressed all busses have to be governed by log-in technologies so no one can lie about the number of hours being driven.” The problem right now is the companies are lying about the number of hours driven within a shift, and more people are getting killed,” he said.
Medd requests a final overhaul to the current legislation. The Minister needs to recognize the dangers associated with driver fatigue. “She needs to find the time to meet with me and acknowledge the two open letters I previously sent her,” he said. “The legislation has to change. The Minister needs to take this seriously to reduce the effect of dramatic collisions. We need the government to open their eyes and help us save millions of lives.”
Medd further said ATU Local 1624 will take this matter to the next level. Their next step is to hold a press conference to reiterate the importance of putting an end to driver fatigue.
About Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1624 – They serve the men and women who drive for Coach Canada / Megabus as well as the men and women who drive for Tai Pan (AZ Bus Tours).