Fight the Toronto casino January 9

Have your say against Paul Godfrey, Ontario Lottery and Gambling (OLG) and organized operators who want to demolish Downtown

By Maureen Lynett, No Casinos Toronto –

fight-casinoThis Wednesday January 9 is your chance to have your say on a mega casino in Toronto (and pick up a No Casino Toronto button).

For months lobbyists and major casino companies have dominated City Hall, in committee meetings and behind closed doors. Councillors have heard from them for hours upon hours. Now, for an evening this Wednesday they need to hear from you.

Come to City Hall on Wednesday. There’s no need to register to speak. Simply come out, ask city staff your questions, and share your thoughts.

This is your chance to share your thoughts and hear from other community members on the issues surrounding casinos. Your presence is imperative because the Casino Lobbyists have had their say for long enough. Please show up and speak up!