Manitou Beach on the Toronto Islands may be losing some of its spirit this week as the city performs minor dredging to improve water quality.
Park manager Warren Hoselton reports that the dredging, set to start June 12, will allow for greater water flow and exchange be decreasing the probability of water stagnating.
“The first proposal to improve water conditions at this beach was a wire netting system for birds,” Hoselton reports. “That has since been canceled for this less obtrusive process.”
Excavating equipment will be transported by ferry boat to Hanlan’s Point on June 12. The equipment will then be delivered on flatbed transport track to beach site and dredging operations will start immediately. The work is expected to be completed and demobilized by June 18.
Hoselton hopes that the project will disrupt the Island residents and visitors as little as possible. The contractor will be working from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. and will provide all necessary fencing to isolate construction activities from public.
In addition, Hoselton adds, “all aspects of dredging operation will be supervised by up to 3 TRCA personnel. [The] TRCA duty is to assure that contractor performs specified work and that all regulations are followed. TRCA and contractor will ensure public safety at all times.”